

Investing in Pandemic Preparedness: Health Systems, Global Governance, Equity

Contact Person : Ron Waldman,

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The spread of SARS-COV 2 has highlighted three major problem areas in the current global health security system:  the weakness of some health systems and their inability to implement urgent public health and clinical priorities; the fractured state of national, regional and global partnerships and associations that had previously been central to coordinating responses to past global health crises and, with it, the surprising impact of weak and/or incompetent political leadership on communicable disease control; and the consequences of allowing major structural inequities in the distribution of health and health care, to persist and to fester.  

1. This session will highlight three leading areas of deficiency that have been exposed by the COVID pandemic.

2. Participants will hear from experts regarding the need to invest in health systems, in global health governance, and in equity

3. Participants will have the opportunity to ask pointed question to the presenters and moderator on these topics


Ahmed E. Ogwell Ouma

Louise Ivers

Ole Petter Ottersen

Ronald Waldman


Ogwell Ouma_PPT.pdf