Health Workforce Department, WHO HQ
Jim Campbell is the director of the Health Workforce department at the World Health Organization. He oversees the development and implementation of global public goods, evidence and tools to inform national and international investments in the education, development and retention of the health and social sector workforce in pursuit of global health security, universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals. The department’s work includes the State of the World’s Nursing Report, WHO’s Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030, the report of the High-level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth and the subsequent adoption of the ILO, OECD, WHO action plan on Working for Health to implement the Commission’s recommendations. He coordinates the Global Health Workforce Network engaging member states and relevant partners in WHO’s work. Prior to joining WHO and GHWA he spent eight years as the founder/Director of a not-for-profit research institute. His publications include A Universal Truth: No Health Without a Workforce (2013), and the State of the World’s Midwifery reports (2011 and 2014). He is a Board member of the International Institute for Educational Planning.