Wendy Reid

Director Education & Quality and Medical Director
Health Education England

United Kingdom

Professor Reid MBBS FRCOG trained at the Royal Free in London and was appointed a consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist there prior to moving into Postgraduate Medical Education as, firstly, an Associate and then Post-Graduate Dean in London. Wendy has held several national roles including that of Clinical Advisor to the DH on the European Working Time Directive, a contributor to the Temple Report, a former Vice President of RCOG, and former President of NAMPS. Appointed as National Medical Director of Health Education England in 2013, Wendy subsequently took on the additional role of HEE’s Executive Director of Education & Quality. Wendy now enjoys this multi-professional role and the opportunities it gives HEE to deliver a better healthcare workforce and health improvements to the patients and public of England through high quality education and training.