Health System Program Manager
WHO Country Office, Afghanistan
Najibullah Safi is a medical doctor and holds a Master of Science degree in Health Policy and Management from the Aga Khan University. He is currently working as Program Manager of Health System Development in WHO Country Office, Afghanistan. Before joining WHO in mid July 2017, he was working as Director General of Preventive Medicines and Primary Health Care in the Ministry of Public Health in Afghanistan. In his capacity as DG Preventive Medicines, he led the formulation of policies and strategies related to immunization, Communicable Diseases Control (TB, HIV, Malaria), nutrition, child and adolescent health, environmental health, Nomad health, community health, drugs demand reduction and many other aspects of public health. He also led the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the aforementioned programs. He previously served as National Program Officer and Acting Team Leader of WHO Afghanistan Health System program. There, he contributed to the development and implementation of various health policies and strategies. He has published a book on primary health care services in Afghanistan, as well as more than 30 articles on communicable diseases prevention and control, health system reforms, immunization, nutrition and other priority health topics. He contributed to comprehensive health system review in 2015 and 2020.